How to Strategically Time Your USDSGD Using Fibonacci Analysis
Most traders who are trading CME will have the gains in USD and knowing when to convert them back to SGD is crucial. Have you ever felt...
Unveiling the Rewards of a Fibonacci-Based Trading Career
In the fast-paced world of finance, where every decision can lead to substantial gains or losses, utilizing tools backed by historical...
An Insider's Perspective on Why Calculating Risk Reward Ratio is Crucial for Successful Trades
At the beginning of our September class, we've decided to revisit the significance of Risk and Reward in trading. How do you approach the...
Navigating the Market with Purpose and Precision
In the fast-paced world of trading, one of the key elements that sets successful traders apart is the ability to trade with a clear...
Top Down Approach
A Top-Down approach is basically doing your analysis on a higher timeframe to get in line with where you or your strategy is showing...
Plan your Trade, Trade your Plan
Our traders are trained to plan before they start trading. Today's trading plan(TP1) is to go Long when price drop to Fibonacci level...
Don't let others set limitation to your progress
You probably have friends or family members around you who will give you their advice, but sometimes, those opinions might actually...
Trading with ONE Strategy -- PAPLines
We have come to the end of the month of January, do you still remember how I started the year by telling you, training yourself to master...
Futures For You
We are into the 3rd week of 2024, Futures traders, how are you doing so far? Since the year has just started, it is a good idea that all...
I read more & trade less when traveling. Since the objective is to trade less, is there a strategy that can help you to stay calm and...