Evolve and Adapt
The most important piece of the puzzle of becoming one of the “fittest” traders, is accepting that to progress and profit you must evolve...

Funny Market Reaction to "HIGH" & "LOW"
Whenever News SHOUT on a particular market that it has reached how many years high/low... the very immediate reaction to the market is......

80/20 rules
今天翻了一本“吴淡如”很有意思的新书 集中火力,对准最佳利益 (80%/20% 法则) 两种商品同时上架,其中,A商品销售量比B商品高出很多,销售员问经理,现在是不是要把比较多的广告和宣传放在B商品上?大力促销看有没有起色?...