昨天我已经提醒大家,台指已经进入紫色地带支撑区,K线也显示了价格得到支持。 今早开市,操手们可看到一样的K线讯号 (Candlestick signal)呢? 对了,那就是我们所谓的“铁锤” (hammer) 讯号。 短线操手们可在317.8买入,并利用阻力线318.9...
台指暂时稳住下跌局势,徘徊在紫色支撑地带。 操手们可注意到K线又在此地出现讯号呢?我们称此讯号为:铁锤 (Hammer) 在我们课堂的短线操手们如买了此K线讯号,5点钟买入,在晚间11pm,已经平仓,钱入口袋咯。
How PAPLines can help you to plan your swing trades
For those who are following my blog should know by now, we are using purple and pink zone to define the trend. EURUSD is currently...
台指昨天碰上321.5阻力线 (1小时图表), 并发出K线卖空讯号(Autumn UDD), 今早开市惨遭滑铁卢,跌至支撑区紫色地带。毕市价315.5. 总共跌了60点。 *1口=600美元, 10口=6,000美元 如果操手们在凌晨2点之前进行卖空,还可卖得321.5的好...
阻力线 312.9
台指今日开市坐落在粉红支撑线上,在 8:55am 左右,K线发出了购买讯号,操手们可利用PAPLine-R1 或 PAPLine-R2 平仓。 台指在 9:45am 到达目的地 (PAPLine-R2), 13 tics (13点)。 **1 口 = 130美元,10...
S.E.T -- The Current Market Leader
Sawadee krap :) Looking for market “leader”? Take a look at Thailand (SET). Different trading/investing approach use different ways to...
从图表可清楚看出,这星期的台指(MSCI Taiwan)在买方的强力支持下,价位节节攀高,星期二退至支撑区后反弹。 如果能配合K线(candlesticks) 来决定入场时机,肯定锦上添花。 [期貨的单位是"口",1单位称作 1口,10單位就是 10口 ]
Patiently waiting for your prey
There are many ways for intraday traders to plan their trades. To be a Sniper trader, you need to have: 1) Patience 2) Patience 3)...
Recognition of Patterns
Our intraday traders start work daily at 7pm Singapore time. Since we are on recognizing the trend for this week's topic, I shall plant...
How can the "trend zone" help you to plan your trades even with Data Release.
China's trade data, wasn't positive for sentiment, with February exports falling 25.4 percent in U.S. dollar terms, while imports fell...