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Sniper Training May 2022

JG Sniper Club started our first physical class training in May 2015. 2 years ago, due to the Pandemic, we had no choice but to move the classes online.

This year, by coincidence, we restarted our new physical class again in May 2022!

After running virtual lessons for 2 years, in my opinion, there are definitely both pros & cons of virtual vs physical training lessons. Virtual training has provided the flexibility for both trainer and trainees to be able to conduct and attend lessons at any place in the world. In contrast, the flip side of having virtual lessons would be having not enough participation during Q&A, which made it difficult for trainers to gauge the progress and understanding of the traders.

We have just completed our first week of physical training, and I can sense that some traders who attended, are like myself, prefer to have some in-person interaction. Some even suggested that I get a bigger training room to cater for more traders :D

Online classes are undoubtfully still useful, providing time and place flexibility, qualities of which has been vastly appreciated thus far. There may be multiple reasons why some people prefer virtual class over physical class & vice-versa. Every individual has different learning styles. We are glad that we now have more options available for the traders.

With in-person classes this week, we had more opportunities for active participation with Q&A's, presentation of prep work, and discussion sessions. This brought to light that the basic skillset of Candlesticks and Chart patterns is not thoroughly understood, and has not become muscle memory for the traders yet (these traders are those that have only joined us recently in the Sniper online era).

The physical class also gives the advantage of an extra one and a half hour period for attending traders to prepare and learn more about the market. In addition, they also have the added opportunity to present their final "art work" to the online audience (although many a times I am still busy moderating, adding more comments to their presentation). From these activities, the physical class traders would be able to know the flow, know where are all the important trading zones, reinforce their learning and memory when they present their process to the online audience, and internalize the art and science of looking at the market. I hope that these traders are able to persevere, and with the right sniper mindset and belief, put more time and effort in the right direction. They should be able to see their account growing steadily and eventually progress to the next level just like their seniors.

Basic basic basic ....

Every trader must have at least "ONE" basic bread and butter skillset. This is something I always tell all the traders. If you do not have a STRONG basic skillset to start with, your trading journey will not be as smooth as those who have it. Unlike others, snipers only have to focus on a few effective basic skillsets: Chart patterns, Rwaves, HTFSkyLand UC-FIB, etc; take your pick, but choose and work towards excelling in it.

==> In Sniper Club, you have your peers to show you how they did it! Once you have established a basic bread & butter skillset, only then can you continue to learn new skills and pile it on-top of your foundation level. But as they say, "you can't build a strong building on a weak foundation". A simple way that you can help yourself improve your trading performance is to develop and embody the habits of "successful traders" so that you can achieve your goal faster.

Have a nice weekend.



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